56 Original Gospel Routines by Jamie Doyle

SPECIAL - Save $15 when you buy all four books as one large Tricky Messages for Kids book. This book contain 56 of Jamie Doyle's signature gospel magic routines; a must-have for any church and youth worker.
Tricky Messages for Kids the Complete Collection comes as the complete collection and includes:
- Large physical copy of the book itself
- 9+ hours of instructional and performance videos.
- Access to the eBook version
- 411 pages of gospel magic.
- 56 scripted presentations
- Step-by-step instructions.
- Printable artwork.
- Biblical references.
- Bonus material to improve your skills in the art of Gospel illusion.
These book includes links to 9+ hours of videos and dozens of downloadable resources. Everything is aimed at the beginner. All that's need is a little practice and showmanship!
Tricky Messages for Kids the Complete Collection contains 56 original gospel magic routines, each with a scripted presentation and instructional video:
- Jesus Found Me! - Easy jumbo card trick.
- From Punishment to Reward - stips of cut paper magically fuse together.
- Cutting Out the Sin - one cut of the scissors turns a roadblock into the cross.
- Give What You Have - pennies grow into jumbo coins, large bills shrink to almost nothing!
- Wordless Book From Pocket - Hankies blend into a colourful streamer.
- 5 Card Monte with 6 Cards! - Fun jumbo card trick.
- CLEAN! - The stained 'hanky of sin' is magically cleaned.
- He is Risen - The story of Jesus' resurrection retold with a small drawer box.
- Telling the Easter Story - Each object tells a different part of the Easter story.
- 57 Cents and Little Hattie May Wiatt - A heartwarming story of a child's generosity with easy coin magic.
- Don’t Turn Your Back! - Another easy jumbo card trick.
- Delayed Consequences of Sin - A rope defies gravity and floats.
- Christmas Card Monte - Seasonal jumbo card trick.
- Get a Jesus Attitude - Magical growing boomerangs.
- Read the Bible Today - Cards with Bible facts magically match up.
- Christmas Restoration - A bauble is smashed and magically restored.
- A Broken World - A light bulb is smashed and magically restored.
- The Real You - Volunteer magically picks the right can of soda.
- Don’t Bury that Sin - 3 boxes are mixed but the performer knows where the 'sin card' is!
- Making the Right Choice Game Show - Magical fun and games with a balloon dog.
- Salvation vs Works - A large ball magically changes colour.
- Righteousness vs Punishment - Two balls magically change places.
- Jesus Took My Place - The paper is unharmed even when a nail is driven through it.
- Set Free From Sin - A dramatic escape from a wrist tie.
- Building a Strong Foundation - A Lego brick vanishes from your hand.
- Something to Nothing - Fun opener with a torn and restored paper banner.
- Good Samaritan - Multiple cut and restored rope.
- He Restores & Forgives - Classic cut and restored rope
- Beautiful Are The Feet - Share the Good News - Silk hankies blend into a silk streamer inside a sock.
- Beautiful Are The Christmas Feet - Silk hankies blend into a silk streamer inside a large Christmas stocking.
- Don’t Let Anger Overcome You - Two large banners magically change places.
- Jesus’ Kids Can Be Obedient - Shuffled cards magically become match pairs of parents instructions.
- He Took My Place - Two signs Punishment and Righteousness magically change places.
- Love Letter From God - A letter changes into a Bible.
- Go Against the Flow - The selected card magically reverses itself in the deck.
- Jesus Is The Only Way - Four of five envelopes are eliminated. In the last is the right way to heaven.
- Every Child is Important to God - Two ropes magically stretch and become one long rope.
Set Free from Sin - A ring magically escapes off a rope.
- Jesus is the King of Kings - You prediction which one of four Kings will be picked. Card trick.
- The Trinity - Three sponge balls become one large sponge ball.
- Pick Today's Topic - Volunteer free choice of topic matches your prediction in the envelope.
- God Restores the Broken Heart - Cut and restored string.
- 3 Ways to Pay Attention to God - 3 small feathered rings blend into one large multicoloured ring.
- God's Purposes - four silk hankies blend into one large multicoloured silk.
- Come Close to God - 2 silk hankies are magically knotted together.
- Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late - Against the odds, your volunteer the envelope with the right message inside it.
- Find the Real Treasure - Torn and restored treasure map with an appearing coin.
- From Death to Life - A skeleton turns into a huge bouquet of flowers. Uses a prop called a Botania.
- God Knew You Before You Were Born - Uses the 'Sketch-O-Matic' prop to magically create a face.
- Love Covers Many Sins - Spotted hanky becomes pure white. Uses the Indian Sweet Vase prop.
- Stop Sin Coming In - Skull & Cross bones flag disappears. Uses a Silk Cabby prop.
- Speck and Plank - An 8 foot pole is pulled from a small bag. Use Appearing Pole prop.
- Standing Up Under Pressure - A glass full of stones balances on top of a picture card.
- Word of God is the Sharpest Sword - Balloons popped with a balloon sword!
- The Story of Bitterness - The Book of Bitterness changes into a banner spelling Forgiveness.
- Broken Heart Frame - A large picture of a broken heart is magically made whole.
This is a physical book - but supplies are limited - Order now, and discover wonderful new gospel magic routines you'll love and use!