Magical Candy Box

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  • Regular price $20.00

Imagine being able to fill a box full of candy and then make them disappear again!

Just one of MANY illusions you can perform with the Magical Candy Box; an indispensable utility prop that allows you to make things appear and disappear at will. You can even switch one item for another!

Crazy Lunchbox! You've brought your sandwiches along for a snack but to the delight of the audience they keep appearing and disappearing.

The Instant Shopping List - You write down your shopping list and put the written list in the bottom. Pop on the lid and those items appear!  

Instant Flowers - drop in some seeds and a little water and put on the lid. When you lift it up its full of flowers (real or spring!)

Magic Candy - You box is full of empty wrappers. But with a little magic the wrappers fill with chocolates


An invaluable tool for any Gospel magic performer:

God's provision - the cupboard is bare but God's provides as the empty box becomes full. 

No Empty Promise - Think that the Bible is full of empty promises (show pan empty). Then pull a rainbow streamer out representing God's promises.

Bad Seed - Bad Fruit - drop small seeds into pan and then make red or black sponge balls or even discolored fruit appear showing that we reap what we sow.

The Magical Candy Box is a step change improvement on the classic Dove Pan. You can release and pick up the load at will! So lots of fun can be had when an object appears and then disappears and appears again.

  • Make things appear and disappear - something other pans cannot do!
  • The load will always release smoothly, instantly and silently.
  • Light weight and manageable size makes it easy to transport. 
  • The Pan is self working, leaving you to concentrate on your message and performance.

A great flexible prop that you'll have lots of fun using in many different presentations.

Comes complete with: one Black Magical Candy Box (5x5x3 inches) with written instructions.